Online GCSE and IGCSE courses
Study when and where you want with LCC Learning.
Whether you are an adult looking to gain a new qualification, or a student studying for your GCSEs at school, our flexible online courses will work for you. You can work through each course at your own pace, and fit your studies around existing commitments, all the while making use of our academic resources and working with our team of expert tutors.
Every topic on the syllabus is covered individually, with its own dedicated questions and assignments, allowing you to reinforce your knowledge of every single topic and to track your progression. The end-of-unit tests present you with a series of questions very similar to what you will encounter in your final exam.
Mastery of English Language equips you for the study of Literature and Humanities, as well as indicating your mastery of essential core skills in communication, presentation and tailoring the words you use to different purposes and contexts. Mathematics is required to understand most aspects of the Sciences, and demonstrates skills in computer science and coding, increasingly marketable skills in today’s jobs market.
You need no external learning material to make the most of our courses. They are entirely self-contained.
Each course covers the entire syllabus of its subject, and is split into individual modules, each covering a specific topic on the syllabus. Questions on every topic allow you to check your progress as you go.
Alongside the modules and exam-style questions that acclimatise you to the final assessments, our courses enable access to our online classes. All of our video classes are archived according to topic, available to watch as many times as possible.
The contents are presented in order to allow a recommended linear progression through the syllabus, but you can just as easily jump straight into the topics that you know you need to focus on. Tackle as much or as little of the content as you require, as many times as you want, in whatever order you prefer, at whatever pace suits you.
Achieving GCSE English and Mathematics indicates a level of skill and understanding that is a vital qualification for most vocational or academic positions. The two subjects increase your earning potential. Whatever your aspirations, these courses will provide you with the vital foundation you need to succeed. These courses are the ideal learning tool both for students in the midst of revision and for beginners to the subject.
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